《星空寄思》Thoughts through the stars of Heaven and Earth

爸妈,当你们一起坐在天堂的草原上,不要忘记望向星空,那里有我们对你们永恒的思念,和你们给了我们一生的爱最深的感激。来自你们的孩子们最真挚的祝福 — 芬、娜、婷、晴、泉、雅。

Father and mother, when you sit on the grass field in Heaven, forget not to look at the starry sky, for there lives our eternal thoughts of you, and our deepest appreciation of your love for us. Best wishes from — 芬、娜、婷、晴、泉、雅

//These are the words specially written on the tombstone of my parents. The six Chinese characters are the last character of name of me and my sisters.//

13 Responses

  1. That’s beautiful

    • These are the words to wish them living happily ever after in Heaven =), as it should be, after all it is the heaven.

      Thank you Anarya.

  2. soulful words and deepest regards!

  3. a never ending love and longings…
    truly said from deep inside..
    who ever that read, could easily feel the warmth of your love for them…
    May they be happily together..smiling looking at all of you…with their blessings and much love…

    ~ a bunch of love
    Super G

    • Exactly that is what I wish they are happy now, but just don’t forget about their children 🙂 who miss them very much.

      Thank you Super G.

      • Ahaa..their children have friends..like us..who will, with open heart to give our love and friendship…from a distance.. 😀

  4. They are at rest, knowing that you will carry on….

    • These words I specially requested my sister to replace the ‘standard’ phrase often written for the departed, because I want to give our best wishes to my parents, as they are reunited now, and released from all the suffering. I am really happy for them but only I miss them very much.

      Thanks Rebecca.

      • And you will always miss them…but I know that there are other worlds to sing in..
        You are in my thoughts!

      • Thanks Rebecca :)!

        Sometime when I am into the thinking process then I will be late in reply or quiet for sometime. Looking forward to read your latest activities and thoughts.


      • It is good to be reflective during this profound moment in your life.

  5. your mom passed away! i am so very sorry for your loss. may her soul rest in peace and in the loving embrace of angels.

    may peace be with you my dear friend.

    • She passed away on 1 Nov, at around 4:20 pm. I was entering her ward, and her eye was opened, I guess she saw me since we never know if she really can see us, and she collapsed in 10 minutes, with the heartbeat slowly came to a stop. I guess she was waiting for me, or for my sister. I am glad she waited, and I am glad I saw her for the last time. It was so wonderful to be able to say goodbye to her.

      These days is rainy seasons in Singapore, and today rained for a few times, and I have my tear dropped for a few times when I look out the window. I still miss her very much.

      Thanks Shamishtha, I am fine and happy to know that she would not suffer now, to have worries in this mortal world =).


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