Father and son

《父与子》Father and son


O 不是这一次,也不会有下一次


I follow the contour of love
to connect the memory of your face
for this coming parting forever
but you look at me in the same way, and say
hey son, I know we have the same feeling too

A goodbye used to be an arising hope
for our next meeting, O no, not this time, and not anymore
So I always smile to you and wish you to remember
but you smile to me in the same way, and say
hey son, I know we have the same feeling too

You ask me if I want to stay a little bit longer, may be
a minute more, a day more, or a year more
I reply, I do, I really do, to be like the ocean forever embracing the river
you do not wish for me to leave, and I say
hey son, you know we have the same feeling too

祈泉 2014年12月8日于新加坡
Revised on 2016年8月28日

13 Responses

  1. Beautiful yet mixed with sadness


    • Yes, there is a sense of sadness, but there is lots of love too =). Thank you for the kind word.

      • You are welcome 🙂

  2. This is so beautiful and heart felt! It’s good to read your blog again. Hope you are doing good.

    Kind Regards,

    • Glad to hear from you again from the blog, Naima! =) It’s one of the most beautiful journey in life in this blog writing because of some friends still hang around for years. It’s like coming home every time I post something. I hope you are doing well in England. One thing I learn from living in many cities in the World is to take thing easy, and enjoy and appreciate the beauty of differences of people and cultures.

      • I hear you.. I know the feeling of coming to home; thats how i feel with my blog and long yome readers too. The connection cannot be explained in words.

        Kind Regards,

  3. So heartfelt!

    • Thank you Celestine. I remember we have being through the same experience some years ago. Glad to hear from you again.

  4. I love the back and forth of the father’s internal thoughts and how you bring the son into the poem, making two one. Lovely.

    • Thank you Audrey. The writing is based on last few conversation with my father that I condensed into a short writing. I have this image of conversation in my mind for more than 4 years.

  5. 醉了~

    • 不知道是我写的进步了还是 妳的鉴赏能力提高了,不过都是好事,希望都是我们有长进了:)。TGIF!

      • 呵呵~欣赏也同意你的推论~
        Happy Friday too ~

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